Natural Face Lifting

The Laser Clinic South Yorkshire is proud to offer a relaxing and highly effective facial treatment to tone, lift and redefine the muscles of the face and neck using Nano Current technology. A real difference can be seen and felt in just one treatment. 

For optimum results a course of twice-weekly treatments are needed, followed by a maintenance treatment every 4-6 weeks for lasting results. This treatment is FDA approved, and rated as the safest method for skin rejuvenation. With no pain or side effects and lasting results, you can forget about botox and those other fillers!

A result of 35+ years of Micro and Nano current research, initially to help Bell's Palsy patients and burns victims, the Perfector was developed in England in 1992 and was approved in the US by the FDA in 2001. Recent studies performed at the University of Washington, over the course of 20 days using micro current therapy saw these results in the skin:

  • 14% increase in the production of natural collagen

  • 48% increase in natural elastin production

  • 38% increase in blood circulation

Put simply, this treatment:

○ Is Totally Proven ○ Is Totally Safe ○ Tightens skin ○ Softens lines ○ Reduces pores ○ Improves glow ○ Tightens muscles

We also offer a trial treatment if you are considering treatment; we lift one half of the face first, then the second half after you have observed the difference the treatment really makes!

Our courses give you over 10% discount on courses of 6 (for ages 25+, two treatments per week for 3 weeks), 10 (for ages 35+, two treatments per week for 5 weeks), and 12 (for ages 50+ 2 treatments per week for 6 weeks). 


  Consultation Procedure

Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation where details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding you will be asked to sign a consent form. You may need a patch test. Phone 0114 2500 648 to book your consultation or treatment now.

Natural face lifting
Face treated one half at a time to view results 90 Mins £70.00
Individual Instant Lift for a Special Occasion 1 Hr £58.00
Course of 6 Treatments - £313.00
Course of 10 Treatments - £522.00
Course of 12 Treatments - £626.00
Monthly Maintenance Treatment (Post Course) 1 Hr £55.00
Eye Lift 30 Mins £36.00
Course of 5 Eye Treatments (2 x Weekly) - £162.00
Course of 10 Eye Treatments (2 x Weekly) - £324.00


Eyebrows & Lashes

