Anti-Ageing Skin Rejuvenation

Intense Pulsed Light Skin Rejuvenation offers a solution for all the visible signs of ageing caused by sun damage, such as brown spots (pigmentation), redness (thread veins) and uneven skin texture (collagen).

Through the release of precisely controlled short pulses of filtered light, the treatment works by stimulating the fibroblast cells within the skin that produce collagen and elastin.

In addition, specific lesions such as thread veins, age spots and freckles can be targeted for a more uniform complexion; the skin becomes firmer, appears more radiant and enlarged pores are reduced.

Treatments are carried out once every 2 to 3 weeks; a facial treatment, including a skin peel usually takes about 45 minutes. We recommend 6 treatments to achieve the best results. After this, top-up sessions are performed as required, but typically once or twice a year.



Skin Rejuvenation
Consultation & Test Patch £30.00
Anti-Ageing Face £90.00
Anti-Ageing Face and backs of Hands £100.00

Treatment Info
If patch test not required consultation is free. N.B Recommended monthly but benefits seen after 3, four weekly treatments.

  Consultation Procedure

Prior to treatment you must first undergo a consultation where details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding you will be asked to sign a consent form and undergo a patch test. Phone 0114 2500 648 to book your consultation now. 


How is the treatment carried out?

The skin is thoroughly cleansed and a mild relaxing peel is often performed before treatment to maximise results. A thin layer of chilled gel is applied to the area to guide the light into the skin. The light applicator is placed onto the skin and a short pulse of light is released. The hand-piece is then moved to the neighbouring area and the process is repeated until the treatment is complete. The chilled gel is removed and the area cooled. Protective eyewear is provided.

Who is suitable for treatment?

Treatment is suitable for most people except for very dark skinned or tanned individuals.

What does it feel like?

Treatment is mildly uncomfortable; no anaesthesia is required and most people describe the pain as moderate and acceptable, like a quick pin prick.

Are there any side effects?

The skin may be red and slightly swollen after treatment, yet this should subside swiftly. Very rarely, the skin may form a small blister and may temporarily lighten/darken. However, most people do not experience any side effects and any reaction usually goes after a few hours.

What happens after the treatment?

A cooling medium is applied after treatment to calm the skin; you may see a darkening of any pigmented spots before they flake off, leading to a more even skin tone. Tightening of the skin should increase over the following months as new collagen is produced within the dermis.

What is the consultation procedure?

Prior to treatment, you must first undergo a consultation where details about your medical history are obtained in order to confirm suitability. Before proceeding, you will be asked to sign a consent form and undergo a test patch.

An alternative to IPL Skin Rejuvenation is the Micro Needling or Derma Roller Treatment which we also have available at the Clinic. This is suitable for all skin colours and is a very anti-aging treatment.


“I am really pleased; so many people have said I look younger.”

“I’m delighted with the results. The difference was noticeable after only a few treatments”

“The treatments have given me so much more confidence.”




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